• On-site Security Patrol service around the clock...

    On-site Security Patrol service around the clock...

    Protecting everything from apartment and office buildings, residential communities, special events etc.

  • Highly skilled, licensed security guards

    Highly skilled, licensed security guards

    Our Officers are courteous, polite, and professional at all times yet highly trained to tackle on the spot incidents in real time


Badge.png Our mission is to provide highest quality security services to all of our clients, and to be recognized as one of the premier Security service providers in throughout San Francisco Bay Area region since 1998.


police-car.png We offer 24/7 Security patrol services to wide verity of business, private protection, Hotels, Rental Car companies, Airport, Logistics, Vacant properties, Constructions sites, permanent or temporary.

Our Team

team.png Our officers are well trained, fully licensed to identify and react instantly to signs of intrusion or potential threat to clients, visitors and properties while always working around your requirements

24x7 Top-notch Armed and Unarmed Guard & Patrol Services.

As both an armed and unarmed private security, we also offer Off-duty Police offers Executive/VIP protection 
services for individuals, businesses and special events.